Rough Draft Logo Project

In my rough draft logo, I wanted to portray a logo to encourage voters. This relates directly to my topic because I’m passionate about women in politics. I began to think of what logo would portray my topic. I knew I wanted the recognizable ‘vote’ symbol. This would encompass American themed colors, and bold writing.

Around the CUB I noticed there were lots of posters mobilizing and encouraging voters. I got inspiration from their color schemes and fonts. I also looked at a lot of campaign ads to understand the patriotic schemes. As for the ‘girl power’ portion of my logo, I used inspiration from my sorority. In my chapter, we have a lot of pro-women posters hanging up. Thus, I looked towards these as inspirations using bright colors and similar fonts.

The font used for the ‘girl-power,’ is supposed to represent an army symbol. This shows that women are tough and strong, and can do anything men can do. I combined these two texts in order for the viewer to understand both aspects. How voting is important to America, but also to encourage more women to be elected. I tried to incorporate balance in my logo. This was done by making the font centered, and adequate space in between the two. Leaving the background white, shows figure-ground. 

My process started by first typing the words and adjusting the size. Since it is scalable, it didn’t really matter what size I placed the font at. Then I changed the fonts depending on what fit my theme. I added a banner which came with some troubles. I had to re-anchor some points because Illustrator would not let me shape the rectangle. I finally made the banner and colored it accordingly. I played around with different effects on the ‘vote’ text. I settled with rounding the corners on the ‘V’ in order to make it look like a check mark. I set the letters closer together as well. With the star tool creator, I made 6 stars that reflect each other. I think this goes along with the patriotic theme because stars are important to the American political system. Then I used the same color palette as the texts to color the  stars. I didn’t want my project to look too busy with too many graphics going on.

1 thought on “Rough Draft Logo Project

  1. After reviewing my project and critiques, I have some potential revisions. First, I think I did well with the overall design. The viewer can easily see the message I’m trying to portray. I think my biggest issue is my color schemes. The pinks and patriotic colors don’t mesh well together. This is distracting to the viewer. I need to change the colors so they look nice, but don’t take away from the message. I would even add something under the banner to show pattern in the color scheme.

    Another thing I could improve on is spacing. I want to line up and make all aspects symmetrical. This can be done by holding down shift when I’m moving aspects of my logo. The “V” in vote needs to straightened.

    My writing will need to be revised as well in order to fit the constraints of the final draft rubric. I need to become more familiar with Illustrator before I revise my project. Other than that, I believe I did a really nice job for the rough draft, and I learned a lot!


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